1. Does KNHS have emergency housing?
No, KNHS does not have emergency housing. Please see Tenant Selection process.
2. Am I guaranteed housing when my name comes up on the waitlist?
No, there is no guarantee of housing when your name comes up on the waitlist. Please see Tenant Selection process.
3. Can I call KNHS to inquire about the status of my application?
Yes, you may call our office at 604.591.5229 to inquire however, we are unable to estimate how long you will have to wait for a call for a home visit.
4. Can I complete an update to my application over the phone?
You may update your phone number only over the phone. Any other changes/updates must be in writing and send to our office via mail, fax or email.
5. How often should I update my application?
Applications must be updated every (6) months in writing or immediately if you have a change of address or phone number. If you do not update your application semi-annually, your name will be removed from our active waitlist. You will then be required to re-apply and your name will be placed on the waitlist according to the date of re-application.
6. Can I apply if I was a previous tenant?
Yes, you can re-apply but all applicants follow the same process. If you were previously evicted from your unit, your application will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
7. Can I apply if I do not live in the Lower Mainland?
Yes, providing that you meet the Canadian residency requirements.
8. Can I provide reference letters with my application?
Yes, you may provide reference letters and letters of support with your application. You may be asked for updated or current letters when you are called for a home visit.